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Dear Friends and Supporters,
We would like to keep you abreast of what Civic Exchange is doing more frequently as research projects and events continue to grow. Over the years, you have received our news alerts and e-invitations. To do a better job, we will also be sending a monthly newsletter to you so that you receive a full list of all our activities. We look forward to staying in touch with you more effectively. Next year – 2010 – is our 10th anniversary. We hope to continue to do solid research and organize good events on policy deliberation. Your feedback is important to us. Thank you for your constant encouragement.

New publication – available on 11 November 2009
“The focus here is on descriptions of the underlying challenges, along with a review of options, noting possible responses, rather than suggesting ‘solutions’. This is deliberate. The challenges appear to be so great, and the time within which we must to act so short, it is unlikely that most of whatever actual responses emerge will be part of a carefully planned strategy leading to a comfortable overall solution …” The Great Disconnect, By Prof Bill Barron.
Published by the Institute for the Environment of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Civic Exchange, free copies of The Great Disconnect will be available at the Intelligence Sqaured Debate on Nov-11 (details below).
Clean Air Network (CAN) – a new NGO to fight for healthy clean air
Clean Air Network, a new sister environmental group of Civic Exchange, is conducting a series of campaigns to improve air quality in Hong Kong. They are going to set up a booth in Clockenflap, a 2-day outdoor music and multi-media arts festival held at Cyberport on 7-8 November. CAN will conduct a signature campaign and sell eco-products on the day. Please learn more about CAN from their website. [http://hongkongcan.org/eng]
Hong Kong Economic Times columns on Green Industry
Christine Loh (CEO of Civic Exchange) has been invited to contribute a series of 12 articles on green industry development in Hong Kong. The coming issues in November will be published on 10-Nov and 24-Nov.
6 November 2009 – Pacific Place, Admiralty
My Family and My City Paintings and Woodcuts Art Exhibition
All the characters in these portraits are situated in the historical contexts that tell stories about them. Taken as a whole, this series of paintings and woodcuts can, to a certain extent, epitomize a period of history.

9 November 2009 – PwC Executive Conference Centre, Central
Civic Exchange Energy Seminar 12: "Financing the Energy Transformation"
This seminar will explore this challenge from the perspective of bankers, financiers, investors and power utilities. Civic Exchange’s 12th Energy Seminar invites you to deliberate these issues with experts and commentators.
11 November 2009 – Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
Intelligence Squared Climate Policy Debate
The debate will take place before a live audience at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and will tackle the contentious issue of climate change.
21 November 2009 – The University of Hong Kong
60 and Beyong - China’s Modernisation and the Roles of Hong Kong
Jointly organized by SynergyNet, Centre For Comparative And Public Law, HKU, Civic Exchange and Hong Kong Policy Research Institute, the captioned event will bring forth series of panel discussions on Chinese democracy and economic perspectives.
23 November 2009 – Foreign Correspondents Club
Preparing for Copenhagen – A Breakfast Briefing for COP15
The last report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was prepared in 2007 but since then, scientific understanding has moved forward considerably. Civic Exchange and the Division of Environment of the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology invite you to update your knowledge ahead of COP15
28 November 2009 – Pacific Place Conference Centre, Admiralty
The Air We Breathe II – Dialogue on Road Transportation
This is a one-day public forum focusing on air pollution arising from road transportation and its effect on health. What are other cities doing about the same problem? What planning, transport, traffic management, emissions reduction and public health policies are needed to protect the health of Hong Kong people?
SCMP columns in October 2009